Welcome! Welcome!!

It's almost meteorlogical spring.

Spring!! What a fabulous word!

I was out snooping around the yard the other morning before work "cuddling the flowers", as my husband says. I think he means coddling, but I digress. Seeing the plants peeking out of the earth I thought to myself about the start of growing season. I was going to name this blog Growing Season but it seems that title might already be taken. So it dawned on me, Growing Susan sounds very similar. And my given name is Susan and this all sounds just too clever and witty and how could I not call this Growin' Susan?? OK. So I guess you had to be there. Sometimes when my genius strikes it doesn't translate so well :) but that's OK. I'm on board with it! So, let the ride begin and I will endeavor to chronicle my growing season and in the process grow a bit myself. Grow, Susie, grow!! Hmmm maybe, "You Grow Girl!" ? Nah.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Purple Petunias Please Me Plentifully :)

It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood!!  I'm giddy!!  Can ya' tell??
The super WalMart had purple Petunias.  Yep.  I almost screamed when I saw them.
See, the purple Petunias at WalMart are fragrant. And it seems that ONLY WalMart carries fragrant puprle Petunias.  I made this discovery a few years ago.  I bought a hanging pot of purple Petunias and hung them on my shepehrd's hook.  I noticed whenever I was watering that there was this great perfume. I finally figured out that it was the Petunias.   The next season there were no hanging pots but I found a regular pot of purple Petunias. I set those on the back deck.  The entire deck smelled good all summer long.  Today, I was looking for tree rings in the garden center and there they were.  Fragrant as ever!! I could smell them as I walked through the store, as I walked out to the car, in the car and when I got home to hang them.   They smell like HEAVEN!!!

OK, so only a dyed in the wool plant person would find themselves guilty of this:  gardening in the WalMart parking lot   hahahahahahaha   oh yes!  I was out there deadheading my Petunias before I put them in the car.  Hey!  I'm not carrying home the wilted blooms!   If anyone saw me they must have thought I was nuts.  Oh, whatever!   I'm in my happy place.   Go to yours.

Whatever ate my Pansies also ate my Bluebells and my Violets.  I have no idea what's eating them so I have no idea how to keep "it" away from the garden.  Rabbits? Groundhog?     I'm thinking Groundhog.  The little marauder.  When he sticks to eating the Dandelions, I'm down with it.  When he starts moving on to the flowers I have planted, not so much.  

The weather today is superfantabulous!  It is sunny with a light breeze somewhere in the 70s.  I'm savoring it.

Tomorrow, hopefully I can find tree rings and hardware cloth for the Dogwood and Redbud.  

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