The whole yard is smellin' good thanks to my purple Petunias :) I thought the Autumn Olive had come in to bloom. Not at all. It has buds on it but is not in full bloom where it would be smelling good. It's my 'Tunias :)
I transplanted wild Violets this evening before I mowed. I am crazed. I admit it. I just could not bear to mow down those purple blooms. I dug them out of the lawn and potted them.
Bought hardware cloth for the Dogwood and Redbud today. I am going to put a sleeve around both trees since they are trying to come back. The euivalent of a, "No Beavers Allowed" sign. Found some Groundhog repellent, too. I am giving that some serious consideration. I'm so tired of having the flowers devoured.
I touched a Bumblebee today. I found it dead on the lawn before I mowed. I love Bumblebees and it saddened me to find it there. I picked it up with my weeder since I wasn't sure it was dead. Mighta' just been stunned and I didn't want any stings!! Anyway, I just had to touch its' fuzziness. It felt like a Pussywillow. I set it in the pot of Mums out front. I didn't want to mow it over.
I once had a Bumblebee poop on me. I was on vacation and was sitting around the pool. I had on a bright green tank top. A Bumblebee flew up and was hovering around me. It seemed to like the bright green of my shirt. Then it flew over to my arm, pooped and flew off. Who else can say they have experienced bee poop?? { rolling my eyes } It's just that charm of mine. All critters find me attractive.
No sprouts on the Freesia yet. The Ranunculus is on the porch getting hardened off. I am hesitantt to set it out front without the Groundhog repellent. Potted some Catnip seed and Hyacinth Bean seed the other day. I thought I had some Mexican Primrose seed around here but can't find it. Nothing from the Brazilian Rock Rose seeds but I am thinking that the squirrels dug them up. My Stellas are thriving and the Stargazer Lily is coming along nicely. Man, I love having time to devote to my plantings.
Petunias are sprouting out front!! HAPPY HAPPY DANCE! I had volunteer spreading Petunias last summer and they were just plain amazing. I want more. I read that plants that grown in place from seed are heartier than transplants. Transplants, although larger when set in the ground, go through the time of transplant shock and just don't acclimate as well. I have to believe it. Those seed grown Petunias last year were beasts. I really wish more people would let plants re-seed and witness the magic that nature gives us. Everyone goes running off to the garden center in the springtime, tills over their flowerbeds and plants new. Give the volunteers a chance. Understand that I love me some garden center time, too, just like a fat kid loves cake, but I love more seeing my plants come back and surprise me. I've had surprise Hostas, Roses, Violets, 'Tunias, Snapdragons, MorningGlories and even Bugleweed that has appeared from who knows where? I think it migrated over from the neighbor's yard but I am not sure. It is such fun.
Welcome! Welcome!!
It's almost meteorlogical spring.
Spring!! What a fabulous word!
I was out snooping around the yard the other morning before work "cuddling the flowers", as my husband says. I think he means coddling, but I digress. Seeing the plants peeking out of the earth I thought to myself about the start of growing season. I was going to name this blog Growing Season but it seems that title might already be taken. So it dawned on me, Growing Susan sounds very similar. And my given name is Susan and this all sounds just too clever and witty and how could I not call this Growin' Susan?? OK. So I guess you had to be there. Sometimes when my genius strikes it doesn't translate so well :) but that's OK. I'm on board with it! So, let the ride begin and I will endeavor to chronicle my growing season and in the process grow a bit myself. Grow, Susie, grow!! Hmmm maybe, "You Grow Girl!" ? Nah.
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